Validation Message List

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Validation Messages List

Validation messages are real time error warnings and indications that the data entered has missing KPI Values or critical errors within the last two years.


On the Navigation bar under Dashboards there is a Validation Dashboard, this is a list of the most recent messages displayed by Patient Name in alphabetical order. For a complete list click the Full List... button FullListButton.jpg on the Menu Bar, or click on Validation Messages further down the navigation bar. Please note the "Full List" will be displayed by validation message type, not by Patient name.

Validation Messages Tool Bar

The Validation Messages have their own tool bar situated at the top of the Validation Messages section on the Dashboard


Open- Highlight the validation message and click the open button to display the validation message details. For further information regarding Validation Message Details, please see Validation Errors

Show OK - Shows all accepted validation errors for the relevant patient within the validation messages field.

Refresh - Refreshes and updates the validation message field. Validation message will only be refreshed when the relevant patient record has been changed and saved.

Full List - Displays the Validation Report also accessed from the Navigation bar.

Open Patient - Opens the relevant Patient record, Please note the Edit button will need to be selected for older patient records before the edits can be made.

Open Folder - Opens the relevant Patient folder.

Go to Error - Opens the screen where the Validation error was generated, please note the Edit button will need to be selected for older patient records before the edits can be made.

A more comprehensive Tool Bar is located on the Validation Messages Report, accessed from the Navigation bar on Aquila Dashboard. The Validation report will display the messages by message type not patient name. The validation messages can be grouped by patient name. Please see "Group By" Below.


Open- Highlight the validation message and click the open button to display the validation message details.

Refresh - Refreshes and updates the validation message field. Validation message will only be refreshed when the relevant patient record has been changed and saved.

Show OK- Shows all accepted validation errors for the relevant patient folder within the validation messages field.

Filtering - Once the filter button is highlighted, an edit line will appear to enable the user to enter the filter parameters required. To clear the filter Click the field filtered by and choose all.

Group By - Enables messages to be grouped by dragging the title on to the edit line. The view will change to headings selected by group in a tree view. Click on the + next to the title to view further layers of data until the patient data is displayed.


Copy Cells - Highlight a selection of cells (this will naturally be a rectangular selection) and copy the selection to the clipboard. It is then possible to then Paste the cells into Excel and have it correctly make a spreadsheet to match the selection in the search results. Requires Export permissions to be able to perform this function.

Print - Allows all printing options and page set up.

Export to Excel- Allows the validation data to be exported to Excel, Excel does not have to be installed on the computer to use this function. User must have export permissions.

Help - Takes the user to the help file for current page.

Close - Closes Validation Messages tab.

Validation Message List Status Bar

The status bar located at the bottom of the Validation Message list holds the navigation Arrows, Data Refresh Information and Scroll Bar.

Data is Refreshed at 5 minute intervals, the data refreshed box displays the amount of records and the time refreshed.

Click The FirstArrowLeft.jpg to go to the first record in the Validation Message list.

Click The End ArrowRight.jpg to go to the last record in the Validation Message list.

Click the DoubleArrowLeft.jpg to go to the first record shown in the display window.

Click the Double ArrowRight.jpg to go to the Last record shown in the display window.

Click the Single ArrowLeft.jpg to go up to the next record in the list

Click the SingleArrowRight.jpg to go down to the next record in the list

Use the scroll Bar ScrollBarHorizontal.jpg to display further fields in the Validation Message list

There are two types of messages, "Error", and"Warning".

Error message types.jpg

Validation Messages Location

Validation messages relevant to a Patients iBID record are located within the iBid record.

Validation Messages for both iBID record and Dependency records are displayed in the patients folder.

Folder & iBID Record validation messages are accessible through the ValidationMessagesButton.jpglocated on the navigation bar.


At any time the validation messages can be accessed by clicking the Pages title on the tool bar ToolbarPagesValidationReport.jpg

For further information on editing validation errors please see the "Editing Validation Messages" section below.

Editing Validation Messages

Often the required information is not present at the time of entering the patient data, at a later date this information may become available, in this case a validation message can be removed or amended. In some cases the information will never be present, under these circumstances the validation message will need to be accepted and a reason given.

To edit the validation message highlight the relevant message in the validation messages list and click Open on the toolbar, an edit box will be displayed.


The title for the validation message will be displayed at the top of the box. Three buttons are present.

Go to error - GoToError.jpg Takes the user to the error message in the patients relevant IBID record field, allowing the user to edit the relevant field with the required information.

Demographics button - DemographicsButton.jpg Takes the user to the patients demographics folder.

Folder button - FolderButton.jpg Takes the user to the patents folder.

A summary of the patients demographic details, are displayed for reference.

Accept Error - Tick box indicating the error is acknowledged and accepted, reasons should be entered in the "Comments" box. Ticking the Accept Error box will generate a time stamp field.

Comments - A free type box allowing information regarding the error or acceptance of the error to be recorded.

"Accepted on" and "Accepted By", both fields are editable. A tick box will be displayed in the validation errors list indicating acceptance of the error.

Created on - A time stamp to display the date the error was created.

Created By - Displays the user ID of the person responsible for inputting the original data.


Drop down field displays the following:-

Validation Details

Error Code- Indicates the classification of the error.

Editor ID, Table ID and Field ID

Save - The save button accepts and saves any changes made.

Cancel - Will cancel any changes made since last save.